July 27, 2012

A Real Housewife

So, if you're a mother and you haven't experienced what I'm about to share then please, tell me your secret. Otherwise, I need to share my experience last night so those of you without children have a small glimpse into your future.

I rarely have a social life anymore, but last night I met my best friend at a local martini bar. While I am trying to get ready my lively little angel woke up from his nap and refused to let my husband hold him. My plan was that he would be eating his dinner, while I was getting ready, but he had a different plan.

I can't curl my hair and hold him at the same time so I put him in my sink. Then my "wonderful husband" decides to trim the babies hair, while he's sitting on my sink, while I was trying to get ready....it was very frustrating, but I also saw the humor in it and grabbed my phone to take some photos.

Then I had to sneak out so my baby wouldn't scream by my leaving....it was all so dramatic. Needless to say I enjoyed my grown up moment, sipping my martini, sans baby for just a few hours.

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